

3 published articles:

  • Frenț C. (2019), Inbound tourism in Romania: A profile at regional level based on accommodation statistics, Revista de turism – Studii și cercetări în turism (Journal of tourism – studies and research in tourism), no 28, available at:

        (journal indexed in international databases)

  • Surugiu C. (2019), Regional disparities in the development of SMEs: An analysis of Hotels and Restaurants sector in Romania, Manager Journal, Faculty of Business and Administration, University of Bucharest, vol. 30(1), pp. 106-113, available at:

        (journal indexed in international databases)

  • Frenț C., Niculescu A. (2020), Understanding Figures related to the Number of Foreign Tourists in Romania: An Approach for Combining Multiple Data Sources , Romanian Statistical Review, no. 3/2020, pp. 76-91, available at:

         (journal indexed in international databases)

3 articles under review (12.10.2020):

  • Frenț C., Frechtling D.C. (2020), Regional Tourism Satellite Accounts: Towards international comparability, Tourism Review [SSCI journal (Clarivate Analytics)]
  • Frenț C. (...), Regionalizing a Tourism Satellite Account: a Top-Down Approach Based on Existing Data Sources [SSCI journal (Clarivate Analytics)]
  • Frenț C. (...),  An Analysis of the Regionalized Tourism Satellite Account Data in Romania for the period 2011-2017, [journal indexed in international databases]



  • 26-29 June 2019 - participation at the international conference on tourism ‘ICOT 2019 - Tourism into the New Decade: Challenges and Prospects’, Braga, Portugal, presenting the paper Analysing Regional Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) Results: Some Empirical Findings 
  • 12-13 December 2019 - participation at ‘International Workshop on Tourism as a Catalyst for Regional Development’, Vienna, Austria, organized by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism, Republic of Austria
  • 8 September 2020 (rescheduled from 6 July 2020) –online participation at the at ‘Tourism Economic, Business, education conference (TEBEC)’, London, UK (rescheduled from Tel Aviv, Israel),  presenting the paper  Regionalizing tourism consumption data: Some examples from Romania
  • 4 November 2020 - online participation at t-Forum 2020 International Conference, Breaking Old Barriers for a New World: Mobilizing Tourism Intelligence to Survive,  Algarve, Portugal, presenting the paper  Developing Estimates for Regionalizing a Tourism Satellite Account: The case of Romania


Other forms of dissemination 

  • 9 October 2020 - sending by email of the most recent key figures (regionalized TSA aggregates) to each regional development agency in Romania